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Interview: Marie-Sophie Müller

Photo: Peter Stanglmayr

"A haircut is a custom-made prduct"

Supermodels like Gigi Hadid, Joan Smalls or Stella Maxwell look stunning because of Panos Papandrianos. Born in Greece, he is one of the most wanted hairstylists in New York. Yet, he himself is bald.

Hair is your profession – but there’s absolutely no hair on your own head.

No, but on my face. A certain balance is very important.

How do you care for a bald head?

I shave my head while showering. Then I check my head with my fingertips to make sure that all hair is shaved off. I can do that blindly. Finally, I apply a high-quality sun protection cream to my skin.

What do you do with your eyebrows? They look very well cared for.

Really, you think so? Please tell my parents. I do absolutely nothing for my eyebrows, I guess I am simply very lucky.

On your Instagram profile you are often seen wearing a wig. What is that all about?

My wigs are meant to express that I do not take my self too seriously. But I take my work all the more seriously. In addition, I can present my skills in an entertaining fashion like that.

Why do people entrust so many personal things to their hairstylists?

A haircut is a real custom-made product. I'm inter ested in what really suits a person and what suits their lifestyle. That's why I need to find out some thing about them first. I am convinced that some one who entrusts their hair to me has no problem sharing a few personal details with me.

You grew up in Greece, then you spent a long time in London. Three years ago you moved to New York. According to you, what is so special about the hair of New Yorkers?

That there is so much diversity. New York is a melting pot where people from all over the world meet. Everyone adds their own style and tradition. It is very inspiring for me how the black population of New York treats their hairstyles – from braids and buns to dreadlocks, wigs, and Afros. I love it!

Originally published in: 30 Grad Magazine, Issue 2020/2
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